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Friends help friends get strong!
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If you would like more info or are interested in joining our friendly crew, head over to our
contact page.
If you’re a local and interested in trying us out, book in for a
free trial!
If you'd like to visit us for a Drop In
please click here to sign up!
We look forward to welcoming new faces to our community!
At CrossFit North 16145, we believe in fostering a community where everyone feels supported and motivated. Join us to experience a fitness journey that goes beyond workouts and builds lifelong friendships.
We offer training for all fitness levels, including CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, and Open Gym. Led by L3 Certified Head Coaches, our experienced team will guide you through each session to help you achieve your goals.
At CrossFit North 16145, we believe in fostering a community where everyone feels supported and motivated. Join us to experience a fitness journey that goes beyond workouts and builds lifelong friendships.
We do! We offer a week free trial for anyone who has some CrossFit or functional training experience. We think this is the perfect way for you to get to know us a little better to see if we are the right fit.
That's ok, we are here to help! We can talk goals and set up a plan to get you started and keep you accountable. We will focus on building a strong foundation for you in training to improve your fitness, build strength and prevent injuries.
Of course! In fact, we encourage you to bring your friends/family along for a session! Head to the contact page and get in touch.